Monday, September 24, 2012

Fashion is Magic

Today, me and my friends talk about fashion. What do you think about fashion? Fashion is a general term for a popular style or practice, especially in clothing, footwear, accessories, makeup, or furniture. That's right! everyone will judge us on the first of our style. Because fashion represents our identity. Everyone has a sense of fashion that reflects that it was her. You know, fashion makes your life is wonderful! Odd fashion make your different from the others. But before you want be an fashionable you must do this! believe me you must try it. First, make your own fashion concepts, think the concept of clothing that reflects your style, but not bad to your looks. Second, apply the concept of your fashion style in your daily life. Third, you must bold to mix and match your fashion style. Fourth, you should be confident with the fashion style that you create yourself. Finally, make yourself an inspiration of others. Okay guys! that is five magic tricks from meFashion is everything, fashion make your life more colorful and beautiful. Make yourself feel at ease with the style of clothing that you create. Don't be scare, just enjoy and do it!

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